Stories move people. We’ve been telling them to each other since the start of time. I've written hundreds using my innovative "Write in the Now" method. Read More...
"Write in the Now" is an effective practice you can use every day to find deeper, more compelling stories - and enjoy the process. FREE ONLINE WORKSHOPS. Learn more and sign up!
Break through blocks.
Create rich, emotional stories.
Connect with your characters.
Discover new tools for storytelling.
Quiet your inner critic.
Get out of your own way.
Come see my work
and see if I can help you
FONTS: If you're looking for my vintage font collection, click here.
I've been a designer since before there was an internet. Don't be scared, though. MoMA (yes, the Museum of Modern Art in New York) calls me a “design pioneer.” I’ve worked for Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), IBM, ILM (Industrial Light & Magic), Microsoft, Twentieth Century Fox, The Walt Disney Company, (and many more).